Welcome to PTU AS your partner for consultancy services in project all around the world
Contact us and we will serve you!
Network – Relationship – Career
PTU is a consultant company having our main office in Mosterhamn at Bømlo.
We convey qualified personell in our local and international network.
As a consultant working through us, you will benefit and have advantages due to administrative tasks. PTU will relieve you by serving you.
As a consultant you will achieve flexibility and a fast career track. You will benefit from our market knowledge, client relationships and established network.

Let’s Connect
Working as a consultant?
PTU AS is a company that connects you as a consultant to the clients in a professional way.
We are looking for experienced technical personnel and engineering within the oil, gas and industry.
Have you ever considered starting on your own? We can help you!
Would you like to have the freedom to choose your own work? As a consultant on our team, we would help you to connect with various clients.
Charge Forward
Let´s make Your career together.
Be a consultant through PTU AS, we will serve You to create the best results.
For further information, please contact us, and we will set up a meeting.
PTU offers to consultans:
- Conveys your competence to our network
- Steady and interesting network
- Relieve You from administrative tasks
- Providing your resume in our network
- Helps You, serve You and works for You
Our Specialties:
Project follow-up in instrument, electro and mechanical disciplines:
Project management
Plan & cost
Frequency converters, distribution and control system
Field instrumentation
High voltage systems
Emergency power and UPS
Documentation, certificates and “as-built” follow-up
Drilling systems
Fire, gas and safety systems
Get to know our
Team members

Jostein Hallaråker
Consultant advisor

Magne Pedersen
Commissioning engineer

Lillian Farestveit
Managing director HR & ADMIN advisor
Get In Touch
Mostravegen 543
5440 Mosterham
Tlf: 45661547